European Steamwheedle Cartel


Zalitz Silverline

Aged: 23

Home Town: Darkshire

Physical Traits[]

Hazel green eyes

Firy red and blonde ragged dreadlock hair

Height 1m 80cm


Zalitz has a toned body covered in scars from his history of battles, some haven't healed and are still open, covered by arcane energy (Easily spotted by the glowing light). Zalitz displays which element he is manipulating when his eyes turn to the corresponding colour (Arcane/Purple, Fire/Orange, Frost/Blue, All Three Combined/White). He carries trinkets and scrolls to amplify and sustain the magical capabilities of himself and others. He is a professional tailor and enjoys creating comfortable clothing for his friends and other customers.

Zalitz is a kind and understanding gentleman who will do anything to help others. He doesn't not believe in unprovoked hatred for others and wil never strike anyone out of spite. His views on such things need reason and evidence and will do anything to calm the situation rather than start up unnecessary conflict.

Race and Class[]

Human Arcane Mage



Tailoring and Skinning Professions

IC Profs: Elemental Manipulator (using Arcane), Ex-Military Tactician


Xakk Silverline (Father / Presumed Dead)

Tersha Silverline (Née Featherdust) (Mother / Presumed Dead)


The Gifted Orphan

Zalitz was orphaned as a baby and grew up at the Northshire Abbey under the guidance of the Brother Librarians. Zalitz lived in the library because of his fascination with reading and knowledge. At the age of fourteen he began training in the Magi Arts as a flame manipulator, performing party tricks and ilusions with fire.

The Wrong Turn

Zalitz left the Abbey at the age of sixteen in search of adventure in the lands of Kalimdor. He had read about the Kal'dorei race and found their way of life fascinating and began his search for their native lands. On his travels he took the wrong boat out of Darkshore and took a detour to Azuremyst Isle. Upon his arrival to the land of the Draenei he was welcomed and taken in to learn the culture of this, to him, unknown and fascinating race. He worked for many Draenei civilians aiding them with tasks and protection from bandit raids throughout the Azuremyst and Bloodmyst Islands.

An Unexpected Saviour

Upon leaving the Draenei, with gifts of his accomplishments, Zalitz was guided correctly to Darnassus where he began his quest to gain knowledge of the Kal'dorei. Though his Mage training was frowned upon by the Druid Elders and Priests, Zalitz was given a single chance to prove his means of being there were purely for knowledge and not for conspiracy and was allowed to explore their native lands. Zalitz proved his loyalty to the Kal'dorei by drawing back the forces of the Burning Legion and bringing a moments peace to the local civilians in Astranaar. Zalitz was rewarded his only Swift Frostsaber named Striker who became his most loyal friend. Throughout his time in these lands Zalitz learned to speak Darnassian and became fluent by the time he began his return visit to the Northshire Abbey at the age of twenty one.

The Rise of the Manipulator

After returing to the Abbey, Zalitz was enlightened by a lead on his family's where abouts. He was instructed to head to Darkshire and to seek the local archives for information. Upon arriving Zalitz checked with Mayor Ello Ebonlocke about the civilian registry. He found out his place of birth and his parents names but nothing about what had happened to them. Zalitz decided to stay in the region of Duskwood to gain more control over his skills in his newly found Arcane powers given to him by the Draenei Mages. Within the Twilight Grove he developed manipulative control over his magic, bending it and shaping it to his will. Using this he was able to create his very own minion. Leviathan was created from Arcane energy manipulating water from the Moonwell, Zalitz placed a peace of his own soul into Leviathan to give the minion a spiritual entity. Ever since Zalitz and Leviathan have been connected by power and have evolved together, Leviathan has now grown to a gygantic side of over forty metres long and is still expanding. Leviathan lives within Zalitz, when summoned has the ability to spread himself over a wide area of water, and is able to detect anything suspicious or abnormal and instantly report back to Zalitz any findings.

Family Background[]

Unknown family background. Father was recorded to live in Darkshire as wine salesman, last seen travelling to Lordaeron.

Criminal Record[]


Personal Notes[]

About me

Current Status[]

Zalitz is in the Cavern of Time in training.
