European Steamwheedle Cartel


Nobellius Fizzleflange

Physical Traits[]

A gnome in his late 60's, rotund, with whispy white hair and a bald pate, often to be seen bustling about in blue or purple robes stained with the occasional spot of engine oil. He is of a slightly nervous disposition and more than a little scatter-brained, not wonderful combinations for a mage and this perhaps explains his return to study in his twilight years.

Race and Class[]

Gnomish Mage


University of Dalaran


Student and amateur engineering enthusiast.


Close family members.


To follow

Summary of your personal history

Family Background[]

Brief summary of family history.

Criminal Record[]

Include or omit acording to the case.

Personal Notes[]

Some stuff.

Current Status[]

Thrilled at his recent acceptance into the University and eagerly sharpening his quill in anticipation of his first lecture.
