European Steamwheedle Cartel




Nimahi, Jaegermeister Moonwhisper.

Personal Notes[]

Her young age makes her vulnerable. She often don´t see the dangure before it happens. But she has now become to be more and more independent of her older friends.

She is a young warm and lovley woman, but can be stubborn and hard to talk out of things she is about to do. It´s in her nature to fight what she thinks is wrong, and her temper is short.

At first sight Nimahi can be seen as shy, but her eyes exposes a good self-confidence.

Physical Traits[]

A young woman. With darkblue short hair and red markings over her eyes. Light purpleblue, smooth skin.

Dresses in black cloth from head to toe, or colorful chest armor with a white chirt. Time to time a bit daring clothing.


Echoes of Wrath


In relationship with Níthrom. (son of Milah and Gilead)


Adopted by: Arkanis and Aliannari
