European Steamwheedle Cartel


Diliamem Pentworth.

Physical attributes[]

Diliamem is a normal sized Gnome, but rather thin. He has a ring of grey hair around his head. Diliamem’s skin is pale and deathlike and his eyes are a white unnatural raging fire.

Race and class[]

Male Gnome. Necromancer (Mage).


Master Engineer of MEGA

Family and History[]

If Diliamem has any family or past he has never spoken of it to any. Although recently an eccentric gnome by the name of Dilliwort Pentworth has claimed family-ties to the late Dilliamem.

Criminal Record[]

Diliamem has a large Criminal Record from The Peoples' Militia.

Pieced together from remains of records

Assault on a citizen Assault on a militant Spells, Casting on buildings (with intent to cause damage) Arrest, resisting Kidnapping of a citizen Kidnapping of a militant High Conspiracy Escaping from jail

These are but a summary of the nefarious crimes committed by this vile individual. Anyone seeking to capture him in order to obtain the bounty should prepare themselves for a slippery catch.

Current Markings

50 Outstanding Fines: 1 gold, 61 silver

Status: Fugitive

Bounty: 5 gold Bounty payable upon conviction for his crimes.

Personal Notes[]

Diliamem's personality can sometimes change from being very polite to rude and violent. He is most probably unstable in the head.

Current Status[]

Dilliamem was beheaded after a trial accusing him of murdering Minetha Nightingale and her family. But whether or not he is truly dead...who knows

Other Information[]

Diliamem is strongly suspected of being involved with The Dark Embrace.
