European Steamwheedle Cartel


Dicer Wyrmtalon

Physical Traits[]

Middle aged with tan(ish) skin. He has flaming red hair and is very muscular. He is often seen in Dark Blade uniform completely apart from one strange object. To an everyday citizen it looks like some strange medal...but to an alliance officer it is a Theramore marines badge that has been greatly scratched and ruined.

Race and Class[]

Human Warrior


Dark Blades


He is the drill instructor for the Dark Blades and is known for putting recruits through their paces and being extremely rude.


Manaron,his nephew


Little is known about Dicer before he left the Theramore forces after the Battle of Mount Hyjal. It is uncommonly known he lead the JEB(Jaina's Elite Bodyguard) which he made himself. All other members are dead or MIA.

Family Background[]


Criminal Record[]


Theramore Military Archive, File Number: JEB01[]

<The picture has been torn from the front of the file>

Name: Dicer Wyrmtalon

Rank: Marine

Occupation: Elite marine leading Lady Jaina's bodyguard

Authorization Code: Unknown

Security Level: Unknown

<Below is whats left of the file of Dicer Wyrmtalon ,ex Marine of the Theramore Marines>

Current Status[]

Dicer abandoned left the Theramore forces after fighting legions of orcs while being forced to serve "others" "classified".
